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[RESOLVIDO] Ajuste de tela

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Resolvido [RESOLVIDO] Ajuste de tela

Mensagem por AGAMENOM Sáb Jan 21, 2023 8:06 pm

Fiz um script que a função dele é manter o tamanho da proporções da tela em qualquer PC.
E isso deve ser com as configurações de câmera no "orthographic" e não "perspective".
Mas nada funcionou.

ja tentei aviar e desativar o Resizable Window.
já tentei vários métodos na internet.
E nada ele não muda o tamanho da tela não importa em que PC ele esteja.

então gostaria de saber se alguém sabe como resolver isso.

using UnityEngine;

public class ScreenAdjustment : MonoBehaviour
    [Header("Size of my pc")]
    [SerializeField] private float WidthOfMyPc = 1920;
    [SerializeField] private float HeightOfMyPc = 1080f;
    [Header("Desired Size")]
    [SerializeField] private float WidthDesired = 1600;
    [SerializeField] private float HeightDesired = 900;
    [Header("Current PC size")]
    [SerializeField] private float WidthCurrent;
    [SerializeField] private float HeightCurrent;
    [SerializeField] private float WidthDifference;
    [SerializeField] private float HeightDifference;
    [Header("Correct Size to Place")]
    [SerializeField] private float WidthPlace;
    [SerializeField] private float HeightPlace;
    [Header("If the Size is Bigger or Smaller than my pc")]
    [SerializeField] private bool IsBigger;

    void Start()
        InvokeRepeating("AdjustScreen", 0f, 0.5f);

    private void AdjustScreen()
        WidthCurrent = Screen.width;
        HeightCurrent = Screen.height;
        WidthDifference = WidthOfMyPc - WidthCurrent;
        HeightDifference = HeightOfMyPc - HeightCurrent;
        if (WidthCurrent > WidthOfMyPc || HeightCurrent > HeightOfMyPc)
            IsBigger = true;
            IsBigger = false;
        if (IsBigger)
            WidthPlace = WidthDesired + WidthDifference;
            HeightPlace = HeightDesired + HeightDifference;
            WidthPlace = WidthDesired - WidthDifference;
            HeightPlace = HeightDesired - HeightDifference;
        Camera.main.fieldOfView = Mathf.Atan(HeightPlace / WidthPlace) * Mathf.Rad2Deg * 0.5f;


Em "Size of my pc" eu coloco o tamanho do meu pc.
Em "Desired Size" o tamanho que quero.
no "Current PC size" o tamanho do pc atual.

ai no "Difference" vai calcular qual é a diferença entre o tamanho do "Size of my pc" e do "Current PC size" e aplicar nas variáveis.

Ai na "If the Size is Bigger or Smaller than my pc" se a tela for maior do que a do "Size of my pc" a bool fica verdadeira. caso contrário fica como falso.

Ai vai fazer uma conta de mais ou menos com os valores do "Desired Size" e do "Difference". ai se bool for verdadeira a conta será uma conta de mais.
Se for falso será uma conta de menos.
Ai o resultado coloca no "Correct Size to Place".
E o que tiver no "Correct Size to Place" aplica o tamanho da tela do jogo.

Masculino PONTOS : 1666
Idade : 21
Respeito as regras : [RESOLVIDO] Ajuste de tela WvDYdlf

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Resolvido Re: [RESOLVIDO] Ajuste de tela

Mensagem por Magnatah Dom Jan 22, 2023 12:03 am

Otimizei o script e fiz algumas alterações, Vê se pode te ajudar:
using UnityEngine;

public class ScreenAdjustment : MonoBehaviour
    [Header("Desired Size")]
    [SerializeField] private Vector2 desiredSize = new Vector2(1600, 900);
    [Header("If the Size is Bigger or Smaller than my pc")]
    [SerializeField] private bool adjustForBiggerScreens = true;
    private Camera mainCamera;
    private float aspectRatio;

    private void Start()
        mainCamera = Camera.main;
        aspectRatio = desiredSize.x / desiredSize.y;
        InvokeRepeating("AdjustScreen", 0f, 0.5f);

    private void AdjustScreen()
        float currentAspectRatio = (float)Screen.width / Screen.height;
        if ((adjustForBiggerScreens && currentAspectRatio > aspectRatio) || (!adjustForBiggerScreens && currentAspectRatio < aspectRatio))
            mainCamera.fieldOfView = Mathf.Atan(currentAspectRatio / aspectRatio) * Mathf.Rad2Deg * 0.5f;

Removi as variáveis que não são mais necessárias, como "WidthOfMyPc" e "HeightOfMyPc", pois essas informações já são fornecidas pelo Screen.width e Screen.height.

- Usei uma variável Vector2 para armazenar o tamanho desejado da tela, ao invés de usar duas variáveis separadas.

- Removi as variáveis "WidthCurrent", "HeightCurrent", "WidthDifference" e "HeightDifference", pois elas não são mais necessárias.

- Usei uma variável booleana "adjustForBiggerScreens" para determinar se o script deve ajustar a tela quando ela for maior ou menor do que o tamanho desejado.

- Armazenei uma referência para a câmera principal no início do script, ao invés de buscá-la a cada chamada da função "AdjustScreen".

- Armazenei a proporção desejada no início do script, ao invés de calculá-la a cada chamada da função "AdjustScreen".

Masculino PONTOS : 3426
Idade : 24
Áreas de atuação : Dєรєиvσlvєdσя Wєb(Fяσит-єиd), Blєиdєя, υиiтy, C#, ρнρ є Jαvαรcяiρт.
Respeito as regras : [RESOLVIDO] Ajuste de tela Aad8pUi

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Resolvido Re: [RESOLVIDO] Ajuste de tela

Mensagem por AGAMENOM Dom Jan 22, 2023 8:47 am

Sinto muito cara.
Mas não deu muito certo.
A ideia do script é que ele mantenha o tamanho da janela do jogo proposicional em todos os pc e não so no meu pc.
Por isso tinha aquelas contas todas antes.

Masculino PONTOS : 1666
Idade : 21
Respeito as regras : [RESOLVIDO] Ajuste de tela WvDYdlf

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Resolvido Re: [RESOLVIDO] Ajuste de tela

Mensagem por AGAMENOM Dom Jan 22, 2023 1:48 pm

Bem consigo arrumar para quando ele esta em um monitor com uma tela menor doque ado meu pc.
Mas quando esta maior ele não funsiona.

using UnityEngine;

public class ScreenAdjustment : MonoBehaviour
    [Header("Size of my pc")]
    [SerializeField] private float WidthOfMyPc = 1920; // The width of my PC screen.
    [SerializeField] private float HeightOfMyPc = 1080f; // The height of my PC screen.

    [Header("Desired Size")]
    [SerializeField] private float WidthDesired = 1600; // The desired width of the game screen.
    [SerializeField] private float HeightDesired = 900; // The desired height of the game screen.

    [Header("Current PC size")]
    [SerializeField] private float WidthCurrent; // The current width of the game screen.
    [SerializeField] private float HeightCurrent; // The current height of the game screen.

    [SerializeField] private float WidthDifference; // The difference between the desired width and the current width.
    [SerializeField] private float HeightDifference; // The difference between the desired height and the current height.

    [Header("Correct Size to Place")]
    [SerializeField] private float WidthPlace; // The correct width to place the game screen.
    [SerializeField] private float HeightPlace; // The correct height to place the game screen.

    [Header("If the Size is Bigger or Smaller than my pc")]
    [SerializeField] private bool IsBigger; // A flag to check whether the game screen is bigger or smaller than my PC screen.
    void Start()
        // Call the AdjustScreen method every 0.5 seconds.
        InvokeRepeating("AdjustScreen", 0f, 0.5f);

    void Start()
    /*private void AdjustScreen()*/
        // Get the current width of the game screen.
        WidthCurrent = Screen.width;

        // Get the current height of the game screen.
        HeightCurrent = Screen.height;

        // Calculate the difference between the desired width and the current width.
        WidthDifference = WidthOfMyPc - WidthCurrent;

        // Calculate the difference between the desired height and the current height.
        HeightDifference = HeightOfMyPc - HeightCurrent;

        if (WidthCurrent > WidthOfMyPc || HeightCurrent > HeightOfMyPc)
            // If the game screen is bigger than my PC screen, set the flag to true.
            IsBigger = true;
            // If the game screen is smaller than my PC screen, set the flag to false.
            IsBigger = false;

        if (IsBigger)
            // Calculate the correct width to place the game screen if it's bigger than my PC screen.
            WidthPlace = WidthDesired + WidthDifference;

            // Calculate the correct height to place the game screen if it's bigger than my PC screen.
            HeightPlace = HeightDesired + HeightDifference;
            // Calculate the correct width to place the game screen if it's smaller than my PC screen.
            WidthPlace = WidthDesired - WidthDifference;

            // Calculate the correct height to place the game screen if it's smaller than my PC screen.
            HeightPlace = HeightDesired - HeightDifference;

        if (IsBigger)
            if (WidthCurrent > WidthDesired || HeightCurrent > HeightDesired)
                // Set the game screen to the correct size if the current size is larger than the desired size.
                Screen.SetResolution((int)WidthPlace, (int)HeightPlace, Screen.fullScreen);
            if (WidthCurrent < WidthDesired || HeightCurrent < HeightDesired)
                // Set the game screen to the correct size if the current size is smaller than the desired size.
                Screen.SetResolution((int)WidthPlace, (int)HeightPlace, Screen.fullScreen);

Masculino PONTOS : 1666
Idade : 21
Respeito as regras : [RESOLVIDO] Ajuste de tela WvDYdlf

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Resolvido Re: [RESOLVIDO] Ajuste de tela

Mensagem por AGAMENOM Qui Jan 26, 2023 10:56 pm

Conseguir arrumar o script.

using UnityEngine;

public class ScreenAdjustment : MonoBehaviour
    [Header("Size of my pc")]
    [SerializeField] private float WidthOfMyPc = 1920; // The width of my PC screen.
    [SerializeField] private float HeightOfMyPc = 1080f; // The height of my PC screen.

    [Header("Desired Size")]
    [SerializeField] private float WidthDesired = 1600; // The desired width of the game screen.
    [SerializeField] private float HeightDesired = 900; // The desired height of the game screen.

    [Header("Current PC size")]
    [SerializeField] private float WidthCurrent; // The current width of the game screen.
    [SerializeField] private float HeightCurrent; // The current height of the game screen.

    [SerializeField] private float WidthDifference; // The difference between the desired width and the current width.
    [SerializeField] private float HeightDifference; // The difference between the desired height and the current height.

    [Header("Correct Size to Place")]
    [SerializeField] private float WidthPlace; // The correct width to place the game screen.
    [SerializeField] private float HeightPlace; // The correct height to place the game screen.

    [Header("If the Size is Bigger or Smaller than my pc")]
    [SerializeField] private bool IsBigger; // A flag to check whether the game screen is bigger or smaller than my PC screen.

    [Header("Has Already been Changed?")]
    [SerializeField] private bool IsChanged; // A flag to check if the game screen has already been changed in the PC sky.
    [SerializeField] private string SaveName = "SizeIsChanged"; // PlayerPrefs Save Name.

    void Start()
        // Load the value of SaveName from player prefs
        IsChanged = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(SaveName, 0) == 1;

        // Get the current width of the PC screen.
        WidthCurrent = Screen.currentResolution.width;

        // Get the current height of the PC screen.
        HeightCurrent = Screen.currentResolution.height;

        // Calculate the difference between the desired width and the current width.
        WidthDifference = WidthOfMyPc - WidthCurrent;

        // Calculate the difference between the desired height and the current height.
        HeightDifference = HeightOfMyPc - HeightCurrent;

        if (WidthCurrent > WidthOfMyPc || HeightCurrent > HeightOfMyPc)
            // If the game screen is bigger than my PC screen, set the flag to true.
            IsBigger = true;
            // If the game screen is smaller than my PC screen, set the flag to false.
            IsBigger = false;

        if (IsBigger)
            // Calculate the correct width to place the game screen if it's bigger than my PC screen.
            WidthPlace = WidthDesired - WidthDifference;

            // Calculate the correct height to place the game screen if it's bigger than my PC screen.
            HeightPlace = HeightDesired - HeightDifference;
            // Calculate the correct width to place the game screen if it's smaller than my PC screen.
            WidthPlace = WidthDesired - WidthDifference;
            // Calculate the correct height to place the game screen if it's smaller than my PC screen.
            HeightPlace = HeightDesired - HeightDifference;

        // Check if the SaveName flag has been saved before
        if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(SaveName))
            // If saved, get the value of the flag
            IsChanged = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(SaveName) == 1 ? true : false;
            // If not saved, set the flag to false
            IsChanged = false;

        if (IsBigger)
            if (IsChanged == false)
                // Set the game screen to the correct size if the current size is larger than the desired size.
                Screen.SetResolution((int)WidthPlace, (int)HeightPlace, Screen.fullScreen);
                // Save the flag as true
                PlayerPrefs.SetInt(SaveName, 1);
            if (IsChanged == false)
                // Set the game screen to the correct size if the current size is smaller than the desired size.
                Screen.SetResolution((int)WidthPlace, (int)HeightPlace, Screen.fullScreen);
                // Save the flag as true
                PlayerPrefs.SetInt(SaveName, 1);

Masculino PONTOS : 1666
Idade : 21
Respeito as regras : [RESOLVIDO] Ajuste de tela WvDYdlf

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