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Ontem à(s) 5:53 pm
Qui Jul 25, 2024 2:48 pm
Dom Jul 21, 2024 7:07 pm
Dom Jul 21, 2024 12:07 am
Seg Jul 15, 2024 7:02 pm
Dom Jul 14, 2024 11:24 pm
Sáb Jul 13, 2024 12:33 am
Qui Jun 27, 2024 5:49 pm
Sáb Jun 22, 2024 9:05 pm
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Dom Jun 09, 2024 2:16 pm
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Seg maio 20, 2024 9:01 pm
Dom maio 19, 2024 3:08 pm
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Ter Abr 09, 2024 10:28 am
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Seg Abr 08, 2024 8:01 am
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Qui Abr 04, 2024 11:13 pm
Sex Mar 22, 2024 2:41 pm
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Sex Mar 01, 2024 1:27 pm
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Sex Jan 19, 2024 8:40 am
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Qua Jan 10, 2024 8:55 pm
Qua Jan 10, 2024 7:14 pm
Ter Jan 09, 2024 3:55 pm
Ter Jan 09, 2024 8:04 am
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Sex Jan 05, 2024 7:01 am
Sex Jan 05, 2024 12:12 am
Qui Jan 04, 2024 6:55 pm
Qui Jan 04, 2024 12:52 pm
Qui Jan 04, 2024 4:34 am
Ter Jan 02, 2024 11:48 pm
Dom Dez 31, 2023 7:25 pm
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Qui Nov 30, 2023 7:49 am
Seg Nov 27, 2023 1:35 am
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Qui Nov 09, 2023 1:22 pm
Seg Nov 06, 2023 11:59 am
Ter Out 31, 2023 9:53 am
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Dom Out 29, 2023 3:03 am
Sex Out 27, 2023 3:43 pm
Sex Out 27, 2023 3:28 pm
Qua Out 25, 2023 1:20 pm
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Qui Out 19, 2023 11:57 pm
Qui Out 19, 2023 6:39 pm
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Qua Out 11, 2023 6:07 pm

Problemas com ambiguidade

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DÚVIDA Problemas com ambiguidade

Mensagem por RodrigoPrivilegium Qua Jan 10, 2024 9:14 pm

// Author: Daniele Giardini -
// Created: 2018/07/13

#if true // MODULE_MARKER

using System;
using System.Globalization;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using DG.Tweening.Core;
using DG.Tweening.Core.Enums;
using DG.Tweening.Plugins;
using DG.Tweening.Plugins.Options;
using Outline = UnityEngine.UI.Outline;
using Text = UnityEngine.UI.Text;

#pragma warning disable 1591
namespace DG.Tweening
 public static class DOTweenModuleUI
        #region Shortcuts

        #region CanvasGroup

        /// <summary>Tweens a CanvasGroup's alpha color to the given value.
        /// Also stores the canvasGroup as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
        /// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
        public static TweenerCore<float, float, FloatOptions> DOFade(this CanvasGroup target, float endValue, float duration)
            TweenerCore<float, float, FloatOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.alpha, x => target.alpha = x, endValue, duration);
            return t;


        #region Graphic

        /// <summary>Tweens an Graphic's color to the given value.
        /// Also stores the image as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
        /// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
        public static TweenerCore<Color, Color, ColorOptions> DOColor(this Graphic target, Color endValue, float duration)
            TweenerCore<Color, Color, ColorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.color, x => target.color = x, endValue, duration);
            return t;

        /// <summary>Tweens an Graphic's alpha color to the given value.
        /// Also stores the image as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
        /// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
        public static TweenerCore<Color, Color, ColorOptions> DOFade(this Graphic target, float endValue, float duration)
            TweenerCore<Color, Color, ColorOptions> t = DOTween.ToAlpha(() => target.color, x => target.color = x, endValue, duration);
            return t;


        #region Image

        /// <summary>Tweens an Image's color to the given value.
        /// Also stores the image as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
        /// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
        public static TweenerCore<Color, Color, ColorOptions> DOColor(this Image target, Color endValue, float duration)
            TweenerCore<Color, Color, ColorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.color, x => target.color = x, endValue, duration);
            return t;

        /// <summary>Tweens an Image's alpha color to the given value.
        /// Also stores the image as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
        /// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
        public static TweenerCore<Color, Color, ColorOptions> DOFade(this Image target, float endValue, float duration)
            TweenerCore<Color, Color, ColorOptions> t = DOTween.ToAlpha(() => target.color, x => target.color = x, endValue, duration);
            return t;

        /// <summary>Tweens an Image's fillAmount to the given value.
        /// Also stores the image as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
        /// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach (0 to 1)</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
        public static TweenerCore<float, float, FloatOptions> DOFillAmount(this Image target, float endValue, float duration)
            if (endValue > 1) endValue = 1;
            else if (endValue < 0) endValue = 0;
            TweenerCore<float, float, FloatOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.fillAmount, x => target.fillAmount = x, endValue, duration);
            return t;

        /// <summary>Tweens an Image's colors using the given gradient
        /// (NOTE 1: only uses the colors of the gradient, not the alphas - NOTE 2: creates a Sequence, not a Tweener).
        /// Also stores the image as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
        /// <param name="gradient">The gradient to use</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
        public static Sequence DOGradientColor(this Image target, Gradient gradient, float duration)
            Sequence s = DOTween.Sequence();
            GradientColorKey[] colors = gradient.colorKeys;
            int len = colors.Length;
            for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
                GradientColorKey c = colors[i];
                if (i == 0 && c.time <= 0) {
                    target.color = c.color;
                float colorDuration = i == len - 1
                    ? duration - s.Duration(false) // Verifies that total duration is correct
                    : duration * (i == 0 ? c.time : c.time - colors[i - 1].time);
                s.Append(target.DOColor(c.color, colorDuration).SetEase(Ease.Linear));
            return s;


        #region LayoutElement

        /// <summary>Tweens an LayoutElement's flexibleWidth/Height to the given value.
        /// Also stores the LayoutElement as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
        /// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
        /// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
        public static TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> DOFlexibleSize(this LayoutElement target, Vector2 endValue, float duration, bool snapping = false)
            TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => new Vector2(target.flexibleWidth, target.flexibleHeight), x => {
                    target.flexibleWidth = x.x;
                    target.flexibleHeight = x.y;
                }, endValue, duration);
            return t;

        /// <summary>Tweens an LayoutElement's minWidth/Height to the given value.
        /// Also stores the LayoutElement as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
        /// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
        /// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
        public static TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> DOMinSize(this LayoutElement target, Vector2 endValue, float duration, bool snapping = false)
            TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => new Vector2(target.minWidth, target.minHeight), x => {
                target.minWidth = x.x;
                target.minHeight = x.y;
            }, endValue, duration);
            return t;

        /// <summary>Tweens an LayoutElement's preferredWidth/Height to the given value.
        /// Also stores the LayoutElement as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
        /// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
        /// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
        public static TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> DOPreferredSize(this LayoutElement target, Vector2 endValue, float duration, bool snapping = false)
            TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => new Vector2(target.preferredWidth, target.preferredHeight), x => {
                target.preferredWidth = x.x;
                target.preferredHeight = x.y;
            }, endValue, duration);
            return t;


        #region Outline

        /// <summary>Tweens a Outline's effectColor to the given value.
        /// Also stores the Outline as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
        /// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
        public static TweenerCore<Color, Color, ColorOptions> DOColor(this Outline target, Color endValue, float duration)
            TweenerCore<Color, Color, ColorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.effectColor, x => target.effectColor = x, endValue, duration);
            return t;

        /// <summary>Tweens a Outline's effectColor alpha to the given value.
        /// Also stores the Outline as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
        /// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
        public static TweenerCore<Color, Color, ColorOptions> DOFade(this Outline target, float endValue, float duration)
            TweenerCore<Color, Color, ColorOptions> t = DOTween.ToAlpha(() => target.effectColor, x => target.effectColor = x, endValue, duration);
            return t;

        /// <summary>Tweens a Outline's effectDistance to the given value.
        /// Also stores the Outline as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
        /// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
        public static TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> DOScale(this Outline target, Vector2 endValue, float duration)
            TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.effectDistance, x => target.effectDistance = x, endValue, duration);
            return t;


        #region RectTransform

        /// <summary>Tweens a RectTransform's anchoredPosition to the given value.
        /// Also stores the RectTransform as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
        /// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
        /// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
        public static TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> DOAnchorPos(this RectTransform target, Vector2 endValue, float duration, bool snapping = false)
            TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.anchoredPosition, x => target.anchoredPosition = x, endValue, duration);
            return t;
        /// <summary>Tweens a RectTransform's anchoredPosition X to the given value.
        /// Also stores the RectTransform as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
        /// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
        /// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
        public static TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> DOAnchorPosX(this RectTransform target, float endValue, float duration, bool snapping = false)
            TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.anchoredPosition, x => target.anchoredPosition = x, new Vector2(endValue, 0), duration);
            t.SetOptions(AxisConstraint.X, snapping).SetTarget(target);
            return t;
        /// <summary>Tweens a RectTransform's anchoredPosition Y to the given value.
        /// Also stores the RectTransform as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
        /// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
        /// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
        public static TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> DOAnchorPosY(this RectTransform target, float endValue, float duration, bool snapping = false)
            TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.anchoredPosition, x => target.anchoredPosition = x, new Vector2(0, endValue), duration);
            t.SetOptions(AxisConstraint.Y, snapping).SetTarget(target);
            return t;

        /// <summary>Tweens a RectTransform's anchoredPosition3D to the given value.
        /// Also stores the RectTransform as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
        /// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
        /// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
        public static TweenerCore<Vector3, Vector3, VectorOptions> DOAnchorPos3D(this RectTransform target, Vector3 endValue, float duration, bool snapping = false)
            TweenerCore<Vector3, Vector3, VectorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.anchoredPosition3D, x => target.anchoredPosition3D = x, endValue, duration);
            return t;
        /// <summary>Tweens a RectTransform's anchoredPosition3D X to the given value.
        /// Also stores the RectTransform as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
        /// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
        /// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
        public static TweenerCore<Vector3, Vector3, VectorOptions> DOAnchorPos3DX(this RectTransform target, float endValue, float duration, bool snapping = false)
            TweenerCore<Vector3, Vector3, VectorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.anchoredPosition3D, x => target.anchoredPosition3D = x, new Vector3(endValue, 0, 0), duration);
            t.SetOptions(AxisConstraint.X, snapping).SetTarget(target);
            return t;
        /// <summary>Tweens a RectTransform's anchoredPosition3D Y to the given value.
        /// Also stores the RectTransform as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
        /// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
        /// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
        public static TweenerCore<Vector3, Vector3, VectorOptions> DOAnchorPos3DY(this RectTransform target, float endValue, float duration, bool snapping = false)
            TweenerCore<Vector3, Vector3, VectorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.anchoredPosition3D, x => target.anchoredPosition3D = x, new Vector3(0, endValue, 0), duration);
            t.SetOptions(AxisConstraint.Y, snapping).SetTarget(target);
            return t;
        /// <summary>Tweens a RectTransform's anchoredPosition3D Z to the given value.
        /// Also stores the RectTransform as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
        /// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
        /// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
        public static TweenerCore<Vector3, Vector3, VectorOptions> DOAnchorPos3DZ(this RectTransform target, float endValue, float duration, bool snapping = false)
            TweenerCore<Vector3, Vector3, VectorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.anchoredPosition3D, x => target.anchoredPosition3D = x, new Vector3(0, 0, endValue), duration);
            t.SetOptions(AxisConstraint.Z, snapping).SetTarget(target);
            return t;

        /// <summary>Tweens a RectTransform's anchorMax to the given value.
        /// Also stores the RectTransform as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
        /// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
        /// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
        public static TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> DOAnchorMax(this RectTransform target, Vector2 endValue, float duration, bool snapping = false)
            TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.anchorMax, x => target.anchorMax = x, endValue, duration);
            return t;

        /// <summary>Tweens a RectTransform's anchorMin to the given value.
        /// Also stores the RectTransform as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
        /// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
        /// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
        public static TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> DOAnchorMin(this RectTransform target, Vector2 endValue, float duration, bool snapping = false)
            TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.anchorMin, x => target.anchorMin = x, endValue, duration);
            return t;

        /// <summary>Tweens a RectTransform's pivot to the given value.
        /// Also stores the RectTransform as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
        /// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
        public static TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> DOPivot(this RectTransform target, Vector2 endValue, float duration)
            TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.pivot, x => target.pivot = x, endValue, duration);
            return t;
        /// <summary>Tweens a RectTransform's pivot X to the given value.
        /// Also stores the RectTransform as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
        /// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
        public static TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> DOPivotX(this RectTransform target, float endValue, float duration)
            TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.pivot, x => target.pivot = x, new Vector2(endValue, 0), duration);
            return t;
        /// <summary>Tweens a RectTransform's pivot Y to the given value.
        /// Also stores the RectTransform as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
        /// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
        public static TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> DOPivotY(this RectTransform target, float endValue, float duration)
            TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.pivot, x => target.pivot = x, new Vector2(0, endValue), duration);
            return t;

        /// <summary>Tweens a RectTransform's sizeDelta to the given value.
        /// Also stores the RectTransform as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
        /// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
        /// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
        public static TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> DOSizeDelta(this RectTransform target, Vector2 endValue, float duration, bool snapping = false)
            TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.sizeDelta, x => target.sizeDelta = x, endValue, duration);
            return t;

        /// <summary>Punches a RectTransform's anchoredPosition towards the given direction and then back to the starting one
        /// as if it was connected to the starting position via an elastic.
        /// Also stores the RectTransform as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
        /// <param name="punch">The direction and strength of the punch (added to the RectTransform's current position)</param>
        /// <param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
        /// <param name="vibrato">Indicates how much will the punch vibrate</param>
        /// <param name="elasticity">Represents how much (0 to 1) the vector will go beyond the starting position when bouncing backwards.
        /// 1 creates a full oscillation between the punch direction and the opposite direction,
        /// while 0 oscillates only between the punch and the start position</param>
        /// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
        public static Tweener DOPunchAnchorPos(this RectTransform target, Vector2 punch, float duration, int vibrato = 10, float elasticity = 1, bool snapping = false)
            return DOTween.Punch(() => target.anchoredPosition, x => target.anchoredPosition = x, punch, duration, vibrato, elasticity)

        /// <summary>Shakes a RectTransform's anchoredPosition with the given values.
        /// Also stores the RectTransform as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
        /// <param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
        /// <param name="strength">The shake strength</param>
        /// <param name="vibrato">Indicates how much will the shake vibrate</param>
        /// <param name="randomness">Indicates how much the shake will be random (0 to 180 - values higher than 90 kind of suck, so beware).
        /// Setting it to 0 will shake along a single direction.</param>
        /// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
        /// <param name="fadeOut">If TRUE the shake will automatically fadeOut smoothly within the tween's duration, otherwise it will not</param>
        /// <param name="randomnessMode">Randomness mode</param>
        public static Tweener DOShakeAnchorPos(this RectTransform target, float duration, float strength = 100, int vibrato = 10, float randomness = 90, bool snapping = false, bool fadeOut = true, ShakeRandomnessMode randomnessMode = ShakeRandomnessMode.Full)
            return DOTween.Shake(() => target.anchoredPosition, x => target.anchoredPosition = x, duration, strength, vibrato, randomness, true, fadeOut, randomnessMode)
        /// <summary>Shakes a RectTransform's anchoredPosition with the given values.
        /// Also stores the RectTransform as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
        /// <param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
        /// <param name="strength">The shake strength on each axis</param>
        /// <param name="vibrato">Indicates how much will the shake vibrate</param>
        /// <param name="randomness">Indicates how much the shake will be random (0 to 180 - values higher than 90 kind of suck, so beware).
        /// Setting it to 0 will shake along a single direction.</param>
        /// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
        /// <param name="fadeOut">If TRUE the shake will automatically fadeOut smoothly within the tween's duration, otherwise it will not</param>
        /// <param name="randomnessMode">Randomness mode</param>
        public static Tweener DOShakeAnchorPos(this RectTransform target, float duration, Vector2 strength, int vibrato = 10, float randomness = 90, bool snapping = false, bool fadeOut = true, ShakeRandomnessMode randomnessMode = ShakeRandomnessMode.Full)
            return DOTween.Shake(() => target.anchoredPosition, x => target.anchoredPosition = x, duration, strength, vibrato, randomness, fadeOut, randomnessMode)

        #region Special

        /// <summary>Tweens a RectTransform's anchoredPosition to the given value, while also applying a jump effect along the Y axis.
        /// Returns a Sequence instead of a Tweener.
        /// Also stores the RectTransform as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
        /// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param>
        /// <param name="jumpPower">Power of the jump (the max height of the jump is represented by this plus the final Y offset)</param>
        /// <param name="numJumps">Total number of jumps</param>
        /// <param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
        /// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
        public static Sequence DOJumpAnchorPos(this RectTransform target, Vector2 endValue, float jumpPower, int numJumps, float duration, bool snapping = false)
            if (numJumps < 1) numJumps = 1;
            float startPosY = 0;
            float offsetY = -1;
            bool offsetYSet = false;

            // Separate Y Tween so we can elaborate elapsedPercentage on that insted of on the Sequence
            // (in case users add a delay or other elements to the Sequence)
            Sequence s = DOTween.Sequence();
            Tween yTween = DOTween.To(() => target.anchoredPosition, x => target.anchoredPosition = x, new Vector2(0, jumpPower), duration / (numJumps * 2))
                .SetOptions(AxisConstraint.Y, snapping).SetEase(Ease.OutQuad).SetRelative()
                .SetLoops(numJumps * 2, LoopType.Yoyo)
                .OnStart(()=> startPosY = target.anchoredPosition.y);
            s.Append(DOTween.To(() => target.anchoredPosition, x => target.anchoredPosition = x, new Vector2(endValue.x, 0), duration)
                    .SetOptions(AxisConstraint.X, snapping).SetEase(Ease.Linear)
            s.OnUpdate(() => {
                if (!offsetYSet) {
                    offsetYSet = true;
                    offsetY = s.isRelative ? endValue.y : endValue.y - startPosY;
                Vector2 pos = target.anchoredPosition;
                pos.y += DOVirtual.EasedValue(0, offsetY, s.ElapsedDirectionalPercentage(), Ease.OutQuad);
                target.anchoredPosition = pos;
            return s;



        #region ScrollRect

        /// <summary>Tweens a ScrollRect's horizontal/verticalNormalizedPosition to the given value.
        /// Also stores the ScrollRect as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
        /// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
        /// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
        public static Tweener DONormalizedPos(this ScrollRect target, Vector2 endValue, float duration, bool snapping = false)
            return DOTween.To(() => new Vector2(target.horizontalNormalizedPosition, target.verticalNormalizedPosition),
                x => {
                    target.horizontalNormalizedPosition = x.x;
                    target.verticalNormalizedPosition = x.y;
                }, endValue, duration)
        /// <summary>Tweens a ScrollRect's horizontalNormalizedPosition to the given value.
        /// Also stores the ScrollRect as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
        /// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
        /// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
        public static Tweener DOHorizontalNormalizedPos(this ScrollRect target, float endValue, float duration, bool snapping = false)
            return DOTween.To(() => target.horizontalNormalizedPosition, x => target.horizontalNormalizedPosition = x, endValue, duration)
        /// <summary>Tweens a ScrollRect's verticalNormalizedPosition to the given value.
        /// Also stores the ScrollRect as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
        /// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
        /// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
        public static Tweener DOVerticalNormalizedPos(this ScrollRect target, float endValue, float duration, bool snapping = false)
            return DOTween.To(() => target.verticalNormalizedPosition, x => target.verticalNormalizedPosition = x, endValue, duration)


        #region Slider

        /// <summary>Tweens a Slider's value to the given value.
        /// Also stores the Slider as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
        /// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
        /// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
        public static TweenerCore<float, float, FloatOptions> DOValue(this Slider target, float endValue, float duration, bool snapping = false)
            TweenerCore<float, float, FloatOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.value, x => target.value = x, endValue, duration);
            return t;


        #region Text

        /// <summary>Tweens a Text's color to the given value.
        /// Also stores the Text as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
        /// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
        public static TweenerCore<Color, Color, ColorOptions> DOColor(this Text target, Color endValue, float duration)
            TweenerCore<Color, Color, ColorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.color, x => target.color = x, endValue, duration);
            return t;

        /// <summary>
        /// Tweens a Text's text from one integer to another, with options for thousands separators
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fromValue">The value to start from</param>
        /// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param>
        /// <param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
        /// <param name="addThousandsSeparator">If TRUE (default) also adds thousands separators</param>
        /// <param name="culture">The <see cref="CultureInfo"/> to use (InvariantCulture if NULL)</param>
        public static TweenerCore<int, int, NoOptions> DOCounter(
            this Text target, int fromValue, int endValue, float duration, bool addThousandsSeparator = true, CultureInfo culture = null
            int v = fromValue;
            CultureInfo cInfo = !addThousandsSeparator ? null : culture ?? CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
            TweenerCore<int, int, NoOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => v, x => {
                v = x;
                target.text = addThousandsSeparator
                    ? v.ToString("N0", cInfo)
                    : v.ToString();
            }, endValue, duration);
            return t;

        /// <summary>Tweens a Text's alpha color to the given value.
        /// Also stores the Text as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
        /// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
        public static TweenerCore<Color, Color, ColorOptions> DOFade(this Text target, float endValue, float duration)
            TweenerCore<Color, Color, ColorOptions> t = DOTween.ToAlpha(() => target.color, x => target.color = x, endValue, duration);
            return t;

        /// <summary>Tweens a Text's text to the given value.
        /// Also stores the Text as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
        /// <param name="endValue">The end string to tween to</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
        /// <param name="richTextEnabled">If TRUE (default), rich text will be interpreted correctly while animated,
        /// otherwise all tags will be considered as normal text</param>
        /// <param name="scrambleMode">The type of scramble mode to use, if any</param>
        /// <param name="scrambleChars">A string containing the characters to use for scrambling.
        /// Use as many characters as possible (minimum 10) because DOTween uses a fast scramble mode which gives better results with more characters.
        /// Leave it to NULL (default) to use default ones</param>
        public static TweenerCore<string, string, StringOptions> DOText(this Text target, string endValue, float duration, bool richTextEnabled = true, ScrambleMode scrambleMode = ScrambleMode.None, string scrambleChars = null)
            if (endValue == null) {
                if (Debugger.logPriority > 0) Debugger.LogWarning("You can't pass a NULL string to DOText: an empty string will be used instead to avoid errors");
                endValue = "";
            TweenerCore<string, string, StringOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.text, x => target.text = x, endValue, duration);
            t.SetOptions(richTextEnabled, scrambleMode, scrambleChars)
            return t;


        #region Blendables

        #region Graphic

        /// <summary>Tweens a Graphic's color to the given value,
        /// in a way that allows other DOBlendableColor tweens to work together on the same target,
        /// instead than fight each other as multiple DOColor would do.
        /// Also stores the Graphic as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
        /// <param name="endValue">The value to tween to</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
        public static Tweener DOBlendableColor(this Graphic target, Color endValue, float duration)
            endValue = endValue - target.color;
            Color to = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0);
            return DOTween.To(() => to, x => {
                Color diff = x - to;
                to = x;
                target.color += diff;
            }, endValue, duration)


        #region Image

        /// <summary>Tweens a Image's color to the given value,
        /// in a way that allows other DOBlendableColor tweens to work together on the same target,
        /// instead than fight each other as multiple DOColor would do.
        /// Also stores the Image as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
        /// <param name="endValue">The value to tween to</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
        public static Tweener DOBlendableColor(this Image target, Color endValue, float duration)
            endValue = endValue - target.color;
            Color to = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0);
            return DOTween.To(() => to, x => {
                Color diff = x - to;
                to = x;
                target.color += diff;
            }, endValue, duration)


        #region Text

        /// <summary>Tweens a Text's color BY the given value,
        /// in a way that allows other DOBlendableColor tweens to work together on the same target,
        /// instead than fight each other as multiple DOColor would do.
        /// Also stores the Text as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
        /// <param name="endValue">The value to tween to</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
        public static Tweener DOBlendableColor(this Text target, Color endValue, float duration)
            endValue = endValue - target.color;
            Color to = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0);
            return DOTween.To(() => to, x => {
                Color diff = x - to;
                to = x;
                target.color += diff;
            }, endValue, duration)



        #region Shapes

        /// <summary>Tweens a RectTransform's anchoredPosition so that it draws a circle around the given center.
        /// Also stores the RectTransform as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations.<para/>
        /// IMPORTANT: SetFrom(value) requires a <see cref="Vector2"/> instead of a float, where the X property represents the "from degrees value"</summary>
        /// <param name="center">Circle-center/pivot around which to rotate (in UI anchoredPosition coordinates)</param>
        /// <param name="endValueDegrees">The end value degrees to reach (to rotate counter-clockwise pass a negative value)</param>
        /// <param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
        /// <param name="relativeCenter">If TRUE the <see cref="center"/> coordinates will be considered as relative to the target's current anchoredPosition</param>
        /// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
        public static TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, CircleOptions> DOShapeCircle(
            this RectTransform target, Vector2 center, float endValueDegrees, float duration, bool relativeCenter = false, bool snapping = false
            TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, CircleOptions> t = DOTween.To(
                CirclePlugin.Get(), () => target.anchoredPosition, x => target.anchoredPosition = x, center, duration
            t.SetOptions(endValueDegrees, relativeCenter, snapping).SetTarget(target);
            return t;



        // █████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
        // ███ INTERNAL CLASSES ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
        // █████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████

        public static class Utils
            /// <summary>
            /// Converts the anchoredPosition of the first RectTransform to the second RectTransform,
            /// taking into consideration offset, anchors and pivot, and returns the new anchoredPosition
            /// </summary>
            public static Vector2 SwitchToRectTransform(RectTransform from, RectTransform to)
                Vector2 localPoint;
                Vector2 fromPivotDerivedOffset = new Vector2(from.rect.width * 0.5f + from.rect.xMin, from.rect.height * 0.5f + from.rect.yMin);
                Vector2 screenP = RectTransformUtility.WorldToScreenPoint(null, from.position);
                screenP += fromPivotDerivedOffset;
                RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(to, screenP, null, out localPoint);
                Vector2 pivotDerivedOffset = new Vector2(to.rect.width * 0.5f + to.rect.xMin, to.rect.height * 0.5f + to.rect.yMin);
                return to.anchoredPosition + localPoint - pivotDerivedOffset;
ambiguidade na linha 114
 s.Append(target.DOColor(c.color, colorDuration).SetEase(Ease.Linear));

Não sei qual é o erro. Alguém pode ajudar?

Última edição por Magnatah em Dom Jan 14, 2024 6:55 pm, editado 1 vez(es) (Motivo da edição : Coloque um titulo correto, não apenas siglas. (leia as Regras do forum))


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DÚVIDA Re: Problemas com ambiguidade

Mensagem por RodrigoPrivilegium Qua Jan 10, 2024 10:29 pm

Assets\DOTween_1_2_735\DOTween\Modules\DOTweenModuleSprite.cs(57,33): error CS0121: The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'DG.Tweening.DOTweenModuleSprite.DOColor(UnityEngine.SpriteRenderer, UnityEngine.Color, float)' and 'DG.Tweening.DOTweenModuleSprite.DOColor(UnityEngine.SpriteRenderer, UnityEngine.Color, float)'


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Respeito as regras : Problemas com ambiguidade  WvDYdlf

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