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Seg Set 09, 2024 7:33 am
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bool para evitar de salvar frames repetido

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DÚVIDA bool para evitar de salvar frames repetido

Mensagem por AGAMENOM Sáb Abr 22, 2023 4:27 am

Então eu queria saber se da para fazer uma bool para evitar de salvar frames repetido.

exemplo de como ele esta salvado no estado atual:

Nome do Osso,0,-0.385,-0.631,0.213,0,0,0
Nome do Osso,1,-0.385,-0.631,0.213,0,0,0
Nome do Osso,2,-0.385,-0.631,0.213,0,0,0
Nome do Osso,3,-0.385,-0.631,0.213,0,0,0
Nome do Osso,4,-0.385,-0.631,0.213,0,0,0
Nome do Osso,5,-0.385,-0.631,0.213,0,0,0

Ai se a bool fosso ativa ele so salvava o primeiro e o último com os valores repetidos:

Nome do Osso,0,-0.385,-0.631,0.213,0,0,0
Nome do Osso,5,-0.385,-0.631,0.213,0,0,0

Assim evitaria de salvar frames necessários no arquivo.

Script que Salva o arquivo:
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.IO;
    using UnityEngine;
    using System.Text;

    public class ModelRecorderSave : MonoBehaviour
        [Header("Model Recorder Save")]
        [SerializeField] private string FileSave = "Miku Miku Dance Collection/Save Movements/Movement/TestMovement.csv"; // CSV file name.
        [SerializeField] private string ModelName = "TestModel"; // model name.
        [SerializeField] private int KeyFrameSaves; // number of keyframes saved.
        [SerializeField] private Animator animator; // model animator.
        [SerializeField] private int savingsReduction = 3; // keyframe reduction.
        [SerializeField] private bool SkipFirstFrame = false; // whether to skip the first frame or not.
        [Header("MMD Frame Counter")]
        [SerializeField] private int MMDFrameCount = 0; // MMD frame counter.
        [Header("All ModelRecorder Scripts.")]
        [SerializeField] private ModelRecorder[] recorders; // array of all ModelRecorder scripts in the model.
        [SerializeField] private VMDRecorderSampleInformation Information; // VMDRecorder information.

        private static readonly float MMDFrameTime = 0.033333f; // time between each MMD frame.
        private float elapsedTimeCharacter = 0f; // elapsed time of the character.

        private float animationLength; // total duration of the animation.
        private bool EndAnimation = false; // if the animation has come to an end.

        private static readonly string Format = "Vocaloid Motion Data 0002"; // CSV file format.
        private static readonly int codeType = 0; // code type in CSV file.

        private void Awake()
            animationLength = animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).length;  // gets the total duration of the animation.

            recorders = FindObjectsOfType<ModelRecorder>(); // Get all ModelRecorder scripts in sena.

            // configures each ModelRecorder script.
            foreach (ModelRecorder recorder in recorders)
                recorder.animator = animator;
                recorder.SavingsReduction = savingsReduction;

                if(SkipFirstFrame == true)
                    recorder.SkipFirstFrame = true;
                    recorder.SkipFirstFrame = false;

        void Update()
            animationLength -= Time.deltaTime;

            // when the animation comes to an end, it saves the CSV file.
            if (animationLength <= 0 && !EndAnimation)
                EndAnimation = true;

            // if the animation has not yet reached the end, it updates the MMD frame counter.
            if (EndAnimation == false)
                elapsedTimeCharacter += Time.deltaTime;

                if (elapsedTimeCharacter >= MMDFrameTime)
                    elapsedTimeCharacter -= MMDFrameTime;

        void Save()
            // gets the total number of keyframes saved.
            int totalSaves = 0;
            foreach (ModelRecorder recorder in recorders)
                totalSaves += recorder.animationRecorder.Count;

            KeyFrameSaves = totalSaves;

            string filePath = Application.dataPath + "/" + FileSave; // full path of CSV file.
            var encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding("shift_jis"); // Set file encoding to Shift_JIS.

            // creates a CSV file and writes the information to it.
            using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(filePath, false, encoding))
                writer.WriteLine(Format + "," + codeType); // writes the first line with the format and code type.
                writer.WriteLine(ModelName); // write the name of the model.
                writer.WriteLine(KeyFrameSaves); // writes the number of keyframes saved.

                // for each ModelRecorder script, it writes the information of the saved animations.
                foreach (ModelRecorder recorder in recorders)
                    string boneName = recorder.BoneName;

                    foreach (AnimationRecorder animRecorder in recorder.animationRecorder)
                        int frame = animRecorder.Frame;
                        float xMovement = animRecorder.XMovement;
                        float yMovement = animRecorder.YMovement;
                        float zMovement = animRecorder.ZMovement;
                        float xRotation = animRecorder.XRotation;
                        float yRotation = animRecorder.YRotation;
                        float zRotation = animRecorder.ZRotation;

                        // Replacing commas with periods in variables.
                        string xMovementStr = xMovement.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        string yMovementStr = yMovement.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        string zMovementStr = zMovement.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        string xRotationStr = xRotation.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        string yRotationStr = yRotation.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        string zRotationStr = zRotation.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                        // Writes the line with the current Key Frame information.
                        writer.WriteLine(boneName + "," + (frame - 1) + "," + xMovementStr + "," + yMovementStr + "," + zMovementStr + "," + xRotationStr + "," + yRotationStr + "," + zRotationStr);

                // Write the additional information at the end of the file.
            Debug.Log("Completion of CSV file creation"); // Displays a message on the console confirming the creation of the CSV file.

            Information.CharacterIsOver = true; // Sets the CharacterIsOver variable to true, indicating that character animation is complete.

O Script que grava a animação se acharem necessário para compreender o código.
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;
    using UnityEditor;

    public class ModelRecorder : MonoBehaviour
        public Animator animator; // Animator component to record.
        [SerializeField] private Transform boneTransform; // variable to store the Transform of the bone that will be recorded.
        public ExtraArmRotation extraArmRotation; // ExtraArmRotation Script.
        public string BoneName; // Name of the bone to record.
        public bool RecorderRotation; // Whether to record rotation.
        public bool RecorderMovement; // Whether to record movement.
        public bool ZeroNegativeY; // Controls whether the Y-axis movement should be constrained to zero if the object is moving downwards.
        [Header("MMD Frame Counter")]
        public int MMDFrameCount = 0; // Counter for MikuMikuDance frame count.
        public int SavingsReduction = 3; // Reduction rate for number of frames to save.
        public bool SkipFirstFrame; // Controls whether the first frame will be skipped or not.
        public List<AnimationRecorder> animationRecorder = new List<AnimationRecorder>(); // List of recorded animations.
        public Vector3 initialPosition; // Initial position of the character.

        private static float mmdFrameTime = 0.033333f; // Time for each MMD frame.
        private float elapsedTimeCharacter = 0f; // Elapsed time for the character since last MMD frame.
        private bool FirstFrame = true; // Tracks whether this is the first frame or not.
        private float animationLength; // The length of the current animation.
        private bool EndAnimation = false; // Whether the animation has ended.

        // Adds the LateUpdate() method to the call queue of EditorApplication.delayCall() in Awake().
        private void Awake()
            EditorApplication.delayCall += LateUpdate;

        private void Start()
            animationLength = animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).length; // Get the length of the current animation.

        // Removes the LateUpdate() method from the call queue of EditorApplication.delayCall() in OnDisable().
        private void OnDisable()
            EditorApplication.delayCall -= LateUpdate;

        void Update()
            animationLength -= Time.deltaTime;  // Decrease the length of the animation by the time passed since the last frame.

            // If the animation has ended and EndAnimation is false.
            if (animationLength <= 0 && !EndAnimation)
                // Ensures last MMD frame is saved if SavingsReduction is greater than 0.
                if (EndAnimation == false && SavingsReduction > 0)
                    Recorder(); // Record animation data.

                EndAnimation = true; // Set EndAnimation to true.

        private void LateUpdate()
            // Checks if this is the first time LateUpdate has been called.
            if (FirstFrame && SkipFirstFrame)
                // If so, set FirstFrame to false and return immediately, skipping the first frame.
                FirstFrame = false;

            // If the animation has not ended.
            if (EndAnimation == false)
                elapsedTimeCharacter += Time.deltaTime; // Add the time passed since the last frame to elapsedTimeCharacter.

                // If the elapsed time for the character since the last MMD frame is greater than or equal to the time for each MMD frame.
                if (elapsedTimeCharacter >= mmdFrameTime)
                    MMDFrameCount++; // Increment the MMD frame count.

                    // If SavingsReduction is 0 or the MMD frame count is divisible by SavingsReduction.
                    if (SavingsReduction == 0 || MMDFrameCount % SavingsReduction == 0)
                        Recorder(); // Record animation data.

                    // Ensures first MMD frame is saved if SavingsReduction is greater than 0.
                    if (SavingsReduction > 0 && MMDFrameCount == 1)
                        Recorder(); // Record animation data.

                    elapsedTimeCharacter -= mmdFrameTime; // Subtract the time for each MMD frame from elapsedTimeCharacter.

        // Records the animation data.
        void Recorder()
            AnimationRecorder animRec = new AnimationRecorder(); // Create new animation recording object.

            // If motion recording is enabled, records the object's position relative to its starting position.
            if (RecorderMovement == true)
                Vector3 currentPosition = transform.position;
                Vector3 recordedPosition = currentPosition - initialPosition; // Calculate the movement since the initial position.
                float scale = 0.08f;
                animRec.XMovement = Mathf.Round(-recordedPosition.x / scale * 1000f) / 1000f; // Round and save X-axis movement.
                animRec.ZMovement = Mathf.Round(-recordedPosition.z / scale * 1000f) / 1000f; // Round and save Z-axis movement.

                // Checks whether or not to readjust the Y movement value.
                if (ZeroNegativeY == true)
                    // Checks if the Y coordinate value is less than zero.
                    if (recordedPosition.y <0)
                        recordedPosition.y = 0; // If yes, sets the Y coordinate value to zero.

                    animRec.YMovement = Mathf.Round(recordedPosition.y / scale * 1000f) / 1000f; // Round and save Y-axis movement.
                    animRec.YMovement = Mathf.Round(recordedPosition.y / scale * 1000f) / 1000f; // Round and save Y-axis movement.

            // If rotation recording is enabled, records the object's rotation relative to its initial rotation.
            if (RecorderRotation == true)
                Transform boneTransform = this.boneTransform;
                Vector3 currentRotation = boneTransform.localEulerAngles;
                Vector3 recordedRotation = currentRotation;

                // Check if extraArmRotation is empty.
                if (extraArmRotation != null)
                    // If extraArmRotation is attached to it adds the extra rotations to the animation.
                    Vector3 extraRotation = new Vector3(recordedRotation.x + extraArmRotation.rotacaoX, recordedRotation.y + extraArmRotation.rotacaoY, recordedRotation.z + extraArmRotation.rotacaoZ);

                    // Normalizes the rotation angles to fall within the range of -180 to 180 degrees.
                    float xRotation = NormalizeAngle(extraRotation.x);
                    float yRotation = NormalizeAngle(extraRotation.y);
                    float zRotation = NormalizeAngle(extraRotation.z);

                    // Checks that the normalized angles are in the correct range and adjusts them if necessary.
                    if (xRotation > 180)
                        xRotation = xRotation - 360;

                    if (yRotation > 180)
                        yRotation = yRotation - 360;

                    if (zRotation > 180)
                        zRotation = zRotation - 360;

                    // Rounds and saves rotations on the X, Y, and Z axes.
                    animRec.XRotation = Mathf.Round(-xRotation * 1000f) / 1000f;
                    animRec.YRotation = Mathf.Round(yRotation * 1000f) / 1000f;
                    animRec.ZRotation = Mathf.Round(-zRotation * 1000f) / 1000f;
                    // Normalizes the rotation angles to fall within the range of -180 to 180 degrees.
                    float xRotation = NormalizeAngle(recordedRotation.x);
                    float yRotation = NormalizeAngle(recordedRotation.y);
                    float zRotation = NormalizeAngle(recordedRotation.z);

                    // Checks that the normalized angles are in the correct range and adjusts them if necessary.
                    if (xRotation > 180)
                        xRotation = xRotation - 360;

                    if (yRotation > 180)
                        yRotation = yRotation - 360;

                    if (zRotation > 180)
                        zRotation = zRotation - 360;

                    // Rounds and saves rotations on the X, Y, and Z axes.
                    animRec.XRotation = Mathf.Round(-xRotation * 1000f) / 1000f;
                    animRec.YRotation = Mathf.Round(yRotation * 1000f) / 1000f;
                    animRec.ZRotation = Mathf.Round(-zRotation * 1000f) / 1000f;

            animRec.Frame = MMDFrameCount; // Saves the current animation frame number to the footage object.

            animationRecorder.Add(animRec); // Add the current animation recording to the list of animation recorders.
        private float NormalizeAngle(float angle)
            // If the angle is greater than 180, subtract 360 to get its equivalent negative angle.
            if (angle > 180f)
                angle -= 360f;

            return angle; // Returns the normalized angle.

    // A class to store the animation recording data.
    public class AnimationRecorder
        [Header("Animation Recorder.")]
        public int Frame; // The frame number of the recorded animation.
        public float XRotation; // The X-axis rotation of the recorded frame.
        public float YRotation; // The Y-axis rotation of the recorded frame.
        public float ZRotation; // The Z-axis rotation of the recorded frame.
        public float XMovement; // The X-axis movement of the recorded frame.
        public float YMovement; // The Y-axis movement of the recorded frame.
        public float ZMovement; // The Z-axis movement of the recorded frame.

Masculino PONTOS : 1754
Idade : 21
Respeito as regras : bool para evitar de salvar frames repetido WvDYdlf

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