Conversor de movimento do Unity para o MMD [Ajuda]
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Conversor de movimento do Unity para o MMD [Ajuda]
Bem eu estou fazendo um script que salva os movimentos para o MMD. Mas ele está com alguns erros.
Sendo estes erro na convenção da rotação e movimento dos osso.
No vídeo eu explico melhor.
Se caso alguém quiser dar uma olhada e tentar me ajudar estou deixado o arquivo para baixar.
Miku Miku Dance Collection.rar
Sendo estes erro na convenção da rotação e movimento dos osso.
No vídeo eu explico melhor.
Se caso alguém quiser dar uma olhada e tentar me ajudar estou deixado o arquivo para baixar.
Miku Miku Dance Collection.rar
Re: Conversor de movimento do Unity para o MMD [Ajuda]
Olá bem eu consegui fazer ele funcionar.
Então eu queria saber se da para fazer uma bool para evitar de salvar frames repetido.
exemplo de como ele esta salvado no estado atual:
Nome do Osso,0,-0.385,-0.631,0.213,0,0,0
Nome do Osso,1,-0.385,-0.631,0.213,0,0,0
Nome do Osso,2,-0.385,-0.631,0.213,0,0,0
Nome do Osso,3,-0.385,-0.631,0.213,0,0,0
Nome do Osso,4,-0.385,-0.631,0.213,0,0,0
Nome do Osso,5,-0.385,-0.631,0.213,0,0,0
Ai se a bool fosso ativa ele so salvava o primeiro e o último com os valores repetidos:
Nome do Osso,0,-0.385,-0.631,0.213,0,0,0
Nome do Osso,5,-0.385,-0.631,0.213,0,0,0
Assim evitaria de salvar frames necessários no arquivo.
Script que Salva o arquivo:
O Script que grava a animação se acharem necessário para compreender o código.
Então eu queria saber se da para fazer uma bool para evitar de salvar frames repetido.
exemplo de como ele esta salvado no estado atual:
Nome do Osso,0,-0.385,-0.631,0.213,0,0,0
Nome do Osso,1,-0.385,-0.631,0.213,0,0,0
Nome do Osso,2,-0.385,-0.631,0.213,0,0,0
Nome do Osso,3,-0.385,-0.631,0.213,0,0,0
Nome do Osso,4,-0.385,-0.631,0.213,0,0,0
Nome do Osso,5,-0.385,-0.631,0.213,0,0,0
Ai se a bool fosso ativa ele so salvava o primeiro e o último com os valores repetidos:
Nome do Osso,0,-0.385,-0.631,0.213,0,0,0
Nome do Osso,5,-0.385,-0.631,0.213,0,0,0
Assim evitaria de salvar frames necessários no arquivo.
Script que Salva o arquivo:
- Código:
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Text;
public class ModelRecorderSave : MonoBehaviour
[Header("Model Recorder Save")]
[SerializeField] private string FileSave = "Miku Miku Dance Collection/Save Movements/Movement/TestMovement.csv"; // CSV file name.
[SerializeField] private string ModelName = "TestModel"; // model name.
[SerializeField] private int KeyFrameSaves; // number of keyframes saved.
[SerializeField] private Animator animator; // model animator.
[SerializeField] private int savingsReduction = 3; // keyframe reduction.
[SerializeField] private bool SkipFirstFrame = false; // whether to skip the first frame or not.
[Header("MMD Frame Counter")]
[SerializeField] private int MMDFrameCount = 0; // MMD frame counter.
[Header("All ModelRecorder Scripts.")]
[SerializeField] private ModelRecorder[] recorders; // array of all ModelRecorder scripts in the model.
[SerializeField] private VMDRecorderSampleInformation Information; // VMDRecorder information.
private static readonly float MMDFrameTime = 0.033333f; // time between each MMD frame.
private float elapsedTimeCharacter = 0f; // elapsed time of the character.
private float animationLength; // total duration of the animation.
private bool EndAnimation = false; // if the animation has come to an end.
private static readonly string Format = "Vocaloid Motion Data 0002"; // CSV file format.
private static readonly int codeType = 0; // code type in CSV file.
private void Awake()
animationLength = animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).length; // gets the total duration of the animation.
recorders = FindObjectsOfType<ModelRecorder>(); // Get all ModelRecorder scripts in sena.
// configures each ModelRecorder script.
foreach (ModelRecorder recorder in recorders)
recorder.animator = animator;
recorder.SavingsReduction = savingsReduction;
if(SkipFirstFrame == true)
recorder.SkipFirstFrame = true;
recorder.SkipFirstFrame = false;
void Update()
animationLength -= Time.deltaTime;
// when the animation comes to an end, it saves the CSV file.
if (animationLength <= 0 && !EndAnimation)
EndAnimation = true;
// if the animation has not yet reached the end, it updates the MMD frame counter.
if (EndAnimation == false)
elapsedTimeCharacter += Time.deltaTime;
if (elapsedTimeCharacter >= MMDFrameTime)
elapsedTimeCharacter -= MMDFrameTime;
void Save()
// gets the total number of keyframes saved.
int totalSaves = 0;
foreach (ModelRecorder recorder in recorders)
totalSaves += recorder.animationRecorder.Count;
KeyFrameSaves = totalSaves;
string filePath = Application.dataPath + "/" + FileSave; // full path of CSV file.
var encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding("shift_jis"); // Set file encoding to Shift_JIS.
// creates a CSV file and writes the information to it.
using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(filePath, false, encoding))
writer.WriteLine(Format + "," + codeType); // writes the first line with the format and code type.
writer.WriteLine(ModelName); // write the name of the model.
writer.WriteLine(KeyFrameSaves); // writes the number of keyframes saved.
// for each ModelRecorder script, it writes the information of the saved animations.
foreach (ModelRecorder recorder in recorders)
string boneName = recorder.BoneName;
foreach (AnimationRecorder animRecorder in recorder.animationRecorder)
int frame = animRecorder.Frame;
float xMovement = animRecorder.XMovement;
float yMovement = animRecorder.YMovement;
float zMovement = animRecorder.ZMovement;
float xRotation = animRecorder.XRotation;
float yRotation = animRecorder.YRotation;
float zRotation = animRecorder.ZRotation;
// Replacing commas with periods in variables.
string xMovementStr = xMovement.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
string yMovementStr = yMovement.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
string zMovementStr = zMovement.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
string xRotationStr = xRotation.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
string yRotationStr = yRotation.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
string zRotationStr = zRotation.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
// Writes the line with the current Key Frame information.
writer.WriteLine(boneName + "," + (frame - 1) + "," + xMovementStr + "," + yMovementStr + "," + zMovementStr + "," + xRotationStr + "," + yRotationStr + "," + zRotationStr);
// Write the additional information at the end of the file.
Debug.Log("Completion of CSV file creation"); // Displays a message on the console confirming the creation of the CSV file.
Information.CharacterIsOver = true; // Sets the CharacterIsOver variable to true, indicating that character animation is complete.
O Script que grava a animação se acharem necessário para compreender o código.
- Código:
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
public class ModelRecorder : MonoBehaviour
public Animator animator; // Animator component to record.
[SerializeField] private Transform boneTransform; // variable to store the Transform of the bone that will be recorded.
public ExtraArmRotation extraArmRotation; // ExtraArmRotation Script.
public string BoneName; // Name of the bone to record.
public bool RecorderRotation; // Whether to record rotation.
public bool RecorderMovement; // Whether to record movement.
public bool ZeroNegativeY; // Controls whether the Y-axis movement should be constrained to zero if the object is moving downwards.
[Header("MMD Frame Counter")]
public int MMDFrameCount = 0; // Counter for MikuMikuDance frame count.
public int SavingsReduction = 3; // Reduction rate for number of frames to save.
public bool SkipFirstFrame; // Controls whether the first frame will be skipped or not.
public List<AnimationRecorder> animationRecorder = new List<AnimationRecorder>(); // List of recorded animations.
public Vector3 initialPosition; // Initial position of the character.
private static float mmdFrameTime = 0.033333f; // Time for each MMD frame.
private float elapsedTimeCharacter = 0f; // Elapsed time for the character since last MMD frame.
private bool FirstFrame = true; // Tracks whether this is the first frame or not.
private float animationLength; // The length of the current animation.
private bool EndAnimation = false; // Whether the animation has ended.
// Adds the LateUpdate() method to the call queue of EditorApplication.delayCall() in Awake().
private void Awake()
EditorApplication.delayCall += LateUpdate;
private void Start()
animationLength = animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).length; // Get the length of the current animation.
// Removes the LateUpdate() method from the call queue of EditorApplication.delayCall() in OnDisable().
private void OnDisable()
EditorApplication.delayCall -= LateUpdate;
void Update()
animationLength -= Time.deltaTime; // Decrease the length of the animation by the time passed since the last frame.
// If the animation has ended and EndAnimation is false.
if (animationLength <= 0 && !EndAnimation)
// Ensures last MMD frame is saved if SavingsReduction is greater than 0.
if (EndAnimation == false && SavingsReduction > 0)
Recorder(); // Record animation data.
EndAnimation = true; // Set EndAnimation to true.
private void LateUpdate()
// Checks if this is the first time LateUpdate has been called.
if (FirstFrame && SkipFirstFrame)
// If so, set FirstFrame to false and return immediately, skipping the first frame.
FirstFrame = false;
// If the animation has not ended.
if (EndAnimation == false)
elapsedTimeCharacter += Time.deltaTime; // Add the time passed since the last frame to elapsedTimeCharacter.
// If the elapsed time for the character since the last MMD frame is greater than or equal to the time for each MMD frame.
if (elapsedTimeCharacter >= mmdFrameTime)
MMDFrameCount++; // Increment the MMD frame count.
// If SavingsReduction is 0 or the MMD frame count is divisible by SavingsReduction.
if (SavingsReduction == 0 || MMDFrameCount % SavingsReduction == 0)
Recorder(); // Record animation data.
// Ensures first MMD frame is saved if SavingsReduction is greater than 0.
if (SavingsReduction > 0 && MMDFrameCount == 1)
Recorder(); // Record animation data.
elapsedTimeCharacter -= mmdFrameTime; // Subtract the time for each MMD frame from elapsedTimeCharacter.
// Records the animation data.
void Recorder()
AnimationRecorder animRec = new AnimationRecorder(); // Create new animation recording object.
// If motion recording is enabled, records the object's position relative to its starting position.
if (RecorderMovement == true)
Vector3 currentPosition = transform.position;
Vector3 recordedPosition = currentPosition - initialPosition; // Calculate the movement since the initial position.
float scale = 0.08f;
animRec.XMovement = Mathf.Round(-recordedPosition.x / scale * 1000f) / 1000f; // Round and save X-axis movement.
animRec.ZMovement = Mathf.Round(-recordedPosition.z / scale * 1000f) / 1000f; // Round and save Z-axis movement.
// Checks whether or not to readjust the Y movement value.
if (ZeroNegativeY == true)
// Checks if the Y coordinate value is less than zero.
if (recordedPosition.y <0)
recordedPosition.y = 0; // If yes, sets the Y coordinate value to zero.
animRec.YMovement = Mathf.Round(recordedPosition.y / scale * 1000f) / 1000f; // Round and save Y-axis movement.
animRec.YMovement = Mathf.Round(recordedPosition.y / scale * 1000f) / 1000f; // Round and save Y-axis movement.
// If rotation recording is enabled, records the object's rotation relative to its initial rotation.
if (RecorderRotation == true)
Transform boneTransform = this.boneTransform;
Vector3 currentRotation = boneTransform.localEulerAngles;
Vector3 recordedRotation = currentRotation;
// Check if extraArmRotation is empty.
if (extraArmRotation != null)
// If extraArmRotation is attached to it adds the extra rotations to the animation.
Vector3 extraRotation = new Vector3(recordedRotation.x + extraArmRotation.rotacaoX, recordedRotation.y + extraArmRotation.rotacaoY, recordedRotation.z + extraArmRotation.rotacaoZ);
// Normalizes the rotation angles to fall within the range of -180 to 180 degrees.
float xRotation = NormalizeAngle(extraRotation.x);
float yRotation = NormalizeAngle(extraRotation.y);
float zRotation = NormalizeAngle(extraRotation.z);
// Checks that the normalized angles are in the correct range and adjusts them if necessary.
if (xRotation > 180)
xRotation = xRotation - 360;
if (yRotation > 180)
yRotation = yRotation - 360;
if (zRotation > 180)
zRotation = zRotation - 360;
// Rounds and saves rotations on the X, Y, and Z axes.
animRec.XRotation = Mathf.Round(-xRotation * 1000f) / 1000f;
animRec.YRotation = Mathf.Round(yRotation * 1000f) / 1000f;
animRec.ZRotation = Mathf.Round(-zRotation * 1000f) / 1000f;
// Normalizes the rotation angles to fall within the range of -180 to 180 degrees.
float xRotation = NormalizeAngle(recordedRotation.x);
float yRotation = NormalizeAngle(recordedRotation.y);
float zRotation = NormalizeAngle(recordedRotation.z);
// Checks that the normalized angles are in the correct range and adjusts them if necessary.
if (xRotation > 180)
xRotation = xRotation - 360;
if (yRotation > 180)
yRotation = yRotation - 360;
if (zRotation > 180)
zRotation = zRotation - 360;
// Rounds and saves rotations on the X, Y, and Z axes.
animRec.XRotation = Mathf.Round(-xRotation * 1000f) / 1000f;
animRec.YRotation = Mathf.Round(yRotation * 1000f) / 1000f;
animRec.ZRotation = Mathf.Round(-zRotation * 1000f) / 1000f;
animRec.Frame = MMDFrameCount; // Saves the current animation frame number to the footage object.
animationRecorder.Add(animRec); // Add the current animation recording to the list of animation recorders.
private float NormalizeAngle(float angle)
// If the angle is greater than 180, subtract 360 to get its equivalent negative angle.
if (angle > 180f)
angle -= 360f;
return angle; // Returns the normalized angle.
// A class to store the animation recording data.
public class AnimationRecorder
[Header("Animation Recorder.")]
public int Frame; // The frame number of the recorded animation.
public float XRotation; // The X-axis rotation of the recorded frame.
public float YRotation; // The Y-axis rotation of the recorded frame.
public float ZRotation; // The Z-axis rotation of the recorded frame.
public float XMovement; // The X-axis movement of the recorded frame.
public float YMovement; // The Y-axis movement of the recorded frame.
public float ZMovement; // The Z-axis movement of the recorded frame.
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