[RESOLVIDO] Camera collision
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[RESOLVIDO] Camera collision
alguém pode me ajudar? eu não consigo colocar collision nesse script de camera
- Código:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class ThirdPersonCamera : MonoBehaviour
public enum ThirdPersonCameraType
public FixedTouchField mTouchField;
public ThirdPersonCameraType mThirdPersonCameraType = ThirdPersonCameraType.Track;
public Transform mPlayer;
public Vector3 mPositionOffset = new Vector3(0.0f, 2.0f, -2.5f);
public Vector3 mAngleOffset = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
[Tooltip("The damping factor to smooth the changes in position and rotation of the camera.")]
public float mDamping = 1.0f;
[Header("Follow Independent Rotation")]
public float mMinPitch = -30.0f;
public float mMaxPitch = 30.0f;
public float mRotationSpeed = 5.0f;
private float angleX = 0.0f;
void Start()
void Update()
void LateUpdate()
switch (mThirdPersonCameraType)
case ThirdPersonCameraType.Track:
case ThirdPersonCameraType.Follow:
case ThirdPersonCameraType.Follow_TrackRotation:
// refactored to not allow rotational tracking.
case ThirdPersonCameraType.Follow_IndependentRotation:
// refactored to not allow rotational tracking.
case ThirdPersonCameraType.TopDown:
void CameraMove_Track()
Vector3 targetPos = mPlayer.transform.position;
// We removed mPlayerHeight and replaced with the mPositionOffset.y
targetPos.y += mPositionOffset.y;
// Follow camera implementation.
// Refactored to allow only positional tracking or
// positional tracking and rotational tracking. For this we
// added a bool parameter called allowRotationTracking.
void CameraMove_Follow(bool allowRotationTracking=false)
// We apply the initial rotation to the camera.
Quaternion initialRotation = Quaternion.Euler(mAngleOffset);
// added the following code to allow rotation tracking of the player
// so that our camera rotates when the player rotates and at the same
// time maintain the initial rotation offset.
if (allowRotationTracking)
Quaternion rot = Quaternion.Lerp(transform.rotation,
mPlayer.rotation * initialRotation,
Time.deltaTime * mDamping);
transform.rotation = rot;
transform.rotation = Quaternion.RotateTowards(transform.rotation,
mDamping * Time.deltaTime);
// Now we calculate the camera transformed axes.
Vector3 forward = transform.rotation * Vector3.forward;
Vector3 right = transform.rotation * Vector3.right;
Vector3 up = transform.rotation * Vector3.up;
// We then calculate the offset in the camera's coordinate frame.
Vector3 targetPos = mPlayer.position;
Vector3 desiredPosition = targetPos
+ forward * mPositionOffset.z
+ right * mPositionOffset.x
+ up * mPositionOffset.y;
// Finally, we change the position of the camera, not directly, but by applying Lerp.
Vector3 position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position,
Time.deltaTime * mDamping);
transform.position = position;
void Follow_IndependentRotation()
float mx, my;
mx = Input.GetAxis("Mouse X");
my = Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y");
float mx, my;
mx = mTouchField.TouchDist.x * Time.deltaTime;
my = mTouchField.TouchDist.y * Time.deltaTime;
// We apply the initial rotation to the camera.
Quaternion initialRotation = Quaternion.Euler(mAngleOffset);
Vector3 eu = transform.rotation.eulerAngles;
angleX -= my * mRotationSpeed;
// We clamp the angle along the X axis to be between the min and max pitch.
angleX = Mathf.Clamp(angleX, mMinPitch, mMaxPitch);
eu.y += mx * mRotationSpeed;
Quaternion newRot = Quaternion.Euler(angleX, eu.y, 0.0f) * initialRotation;
transform.rotation = newRot;
Vector3 forward = transform.rotation * Vector3.forward;
Vector3 right = transform.rotation * Vector3.right;
Vector3 up = transform.rotation * Vector3.up;
Vector3 targetPos = mPlayer.position;
Vector3 desiredPosition = targetPos
+ forward * mPositionOffset.z
+ right * mPositionOffset.x
+ up * mPositionOffset.y;
Vector3 position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position,
Time.deltaTime * mDamping);
transform.position = position;
void CameraMove_TopDown()
// For topdown camera we do not use the x and z offsets.
Vector3 targetPos = mPlayer.position;
targetPos.y += mPositionOffset.y;
Vector3 position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, targetPos, Time.deltaTime * mDamping);
transform.position = position;
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(90.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
gui78h3- Membro
- PONTOS : 1914
Idade : 25
Áreas de atuação : unity,SketchUp,Blender,programador de script c#
Respeito as regras :
Re: [RESOLVIDO] Camera collision
alguém pode me explicar como fazer um camera collision para um script desse pelo menos?
gui78h3- Membro
- PONTOS : 1914
Idade : 25
Áreas de atuação : unity,SketchUp,Blender,programador de script c#
Respeito as regras :
Re: [RESOLVIDO] Camera collision
Camera Collision é chatinho, pois envolve o uso de Raycast, ignorar layers, dentre outras coisas, ou o uso de um Rigidbody kinemático, mas é mais complexo.
Como muita gente sempre pedia essas coisas, eu fiz uma asset FREE com a maioria dos estilos de câmeras já pronto, para tentar resolver esses problemas
Como muita gente sempre pedia essas coisas, eu fiz uma asset FREE com a maioria dos estilos de câmeras já pronto, para tentar resolver esses problemas
Re: [RESOLVIDO] Camera collision
eu quero entender como o camera collision funciona :/MarcosSchultz escreveu:Camera Collision é chatinho, pois envolve o uso de Raycast, ignorar layers, dentre outras coisas, ou o uso de um Rigidbody kinemático, mas é mais complexo.
Como muita gente sempre pedia essas coisas, eu fiz uma asset FREE com a maioria dos estilos de câmeras já pronto, para tentar resolver esses problemas
gui78h3- Membro
- PONTOS : 1914
Idade : 25
Áreas de atuação : unity,SketchUp,Blender,programador de script c#
Respeito as regras :
Re: [RESOLVIDO] Camera collision
obrigado,resolvidoMarcosSchultz escreveu:
gui78h3- Membro
- PONTOS : 1914
Idade : 25
Áreas de atuação : unity,SketchUp,Blender,programador de script c#
Respeito as regras :
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